Saturday, December 21, 2013

Why wait until after Christmas?

I have been thinking, why wait until after Christmas with eating healthier when I can start eating healthier today? When It comes to different goals we often say, "I´ll will start tomorrow, I will start on Monday, I will start after my vacation or It will be my New Year promise. It could be a healthier life style, quit smoking, quit lying or becoming a better person in general. Why wait until tomorrow? I don´t even know if I am alive tomorrow. Just do what ever you feel you want TODAY. Just make sure this is really what you want, and not something to please others.

I really need to loose weight before my Ironman in August. I do not want to carry excess weight during the competition. At the same time, I have a eating disorder that I have lived with for a long time. Bulemia. I have been okej for about 5 years, but I still have an unnatural relationship to food. I still start a new diet every week, I change the rules as the week proceeds. On Monday I eat really heathy, No bread or pasta and I bring lunch to work. On Tuesday I eat lunch out, and the bread they serve is so good, so I eat a slice. On Wednesday, I might just need a sandwich before bedtime cause I am hungry... and this is how the week is. Finally on Sunday I am so full of shit that I make up my mind to start my healthier life on Monday again.... Crazy if you ask me. It was so much easier when I was a member at Itrim, I worked with a consultant, and It was under control. I worked out 3 times a week, just to keep my body moving without specific goals. Today I train 5-7 sessions a week, some lasting up to 2 hours. I need food and I am constantly hungry. Training for Ironman is easy, learning how to eat right is really tough.

I quit eating added sugars for about two week ago, Which is a good start. And every day I am trying to eat as heathy as possible. Why wait until after the holidays? I might not lose that much weight, but at least I wont gain as much. 2014 I will be serious in my efforts. I put a lot of money and training in my Ironman mission. I don'
t want to mess up because I cant stay on a good diet. 

So today, Is going to be a good day, high goals, good food and first day of focusing on my Ironman weight journey. Please help me on the way! 

Wish you all a Merry Christmas!


Our miniature Christmas tree, American Style

I didn't touch a single piece ......mostly because I am not a huge fan of Toblerone

My favorite winter dish in the making, boeuf bourguignon

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