Monday, August 9, 2010


I had my 12 week follow-up together with my health counselor, Katarina. I reached my weight goal, my blood pressure is excellent and my belly fat is gone. I have done such a good job and I am extremely proud of myself. I am going to start working on finding my calorie intake, that keeps me on track. So starting today I eat normal portions. Itrim has a great system, in how to adjust your daily intake of proteins and carbohydrates without measuring and weighing. AND I am allowed to eat what I really crave once a week. Sounds fabulous to me, the thing is that all the crazy cravings I have had are gone…. I look so much forward to my new and healthier lifestyle!

I was at a rock festival last Saturday, and we had the worst weather. I was wearing my best rain cloths and I still came home soaking wet. Anyway I had a bad food day as well. Pizza, nuts, Haagen Daz, wine…. You name it…. I ate and drank it …. All the no no’s you can imagine. I woke up Sunday morning with a big smile on my face and, with the mentality that I was worth it, but today is a new day and I honestly longed for my oatmeal, fruits and vegetables.

So thank you Itrim, Katarina, Gunilla, Anette and Gilberto … you guys are the best motivators in the world! And I love the tee, to bad Happy stole it!


Solstrålen said...

It was Happy with the t-shirt on the photo. I thought it was you. As your husband said: "nothing about your size surprises me anymore".

Jenny said...

Du är såå duktig Des. Framför allt som tränar så frekvent och tänker på hälsan i första hand! Gillar bilderna i förra inlägget. Kram

Queen Desiree's goals said...

Happy och mamma blir allt mer lik varandra på många sätt. Usch hon börjar få lite av mina humörssvängningar.... pre menstual kanske..hahahaha

Tack för alla glada tillrop! Nu måste ni hjälpa mig behålla vikten. Det är jätte läskigt att börja äta 4 mål om dan, men spännande och gott! Träningen är jätte kul.Lite trist att spring men tjejmilen är bara en månad bort... Fast det bra att ha något annat än mat att fokusera på. Björn och jag var ute igår och sprang 7 kilometer, vi lyckades hålla 5.5 minuter per kilomerter. Klarar jag det på en mil kommer jag att var hur nöjd som helst. 1 timme är målet.